Pilgrimage Day Eight

June 26, 2015
Women's pilgrimage on the Ice Age Trail

After a good night’s rest, we woke to beautiful weather. Linda dropped us back in the forest and we stopped at St Matthias Chapel to pray the Rosary and take in the beauty of that historical Chapel in the forest. Back on the Ice Age Trail, we hiked through tall wet grasses and awesome moraines as we followed the Milwaukee River. Being a little closer to civilization, we met many people on the trail; with some we shared stories, others asked us to pray with them. We walked the Eisenbaum Trail into West Bend where Marie Joers met us on the trail; she welcomed us into her home for the night, fed us well and we enjoyed great conversation.

In Jesus’ Most Merciful Love,

Eileen Belongea, DRE/DYM St. Peter Youth Ministry